Thank You for Being You

Is there room in your heart this Thanksgiving to thank the one person in your life that might need it the most? The one person who may rarely receive the recognition they deserve? The one person you may have overlooked for too many years? Who is that one person? Let me be the first to thank them.

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Miracles Do Happen: You Just Need to Look

When moments are at their bleakest, when the light at the end of the tunnel is so far beyond reach, and when you feel like you don't have the wherewith all to make it to the finish line, just hold on tight. 

There were many occasions in this story when we were in way over our heads yet small milestones were reached with only slight hiccups until eventual triumph.  Looking back, the serendipitous progression and outcome were nothing short of miraculous.

I suggest grabbing a tissue to dab your eyes before you begin reading.

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