When Life is Out of Control…
Your Home Doesn’t Have to Be
"Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within".
-Dr. Gabor Mate
As a Certified Neurodiversity Coach (CNC) and Organizing Success Coach, Speaker, and Writer, I help people with ADD/ADHD and other neurodiverse traits create supportive home spaces. I guide my clients to curiously and compassionately draw connections between chronic physical, psychological, emotional, and spatial disorder. Then explore hands-on pathways for sustainable solutions.
Learn practical strategies and develop skills for lasting lifestyle habits that fit your unique needs through hands-on action and practice.
I partner with clients seeking real change, ready to move beyond what goes where and do I keep this or that? Chaotic disorganization and clutter have persisted too long. ADHD, low self-esteem, shame, embarrassment, guilt, confusion, and lack of confidence result in obstacles, avoidance, complete shut-downs. We tap into your inherent strengths to lead through and around the barriers. We initiate progress. Together, our supportive hands-on partnership develops sustainable and transferrable skills to create and maintain surroundings and a lifestyle that spawn comfort and constructive productivity. Spaces you enjoy being in and returning to. A lifestyle supporting you.
Is this what you’ve been searching for? Take the first step, here, now.
An organized lifestyle helps
What is an Organized Lifestyle?
I can tell you what an organized lifestyle is for me. For what some of my clients have achieved. None of that is important for you. Here’s what matters.
What do you want? That’s what truly matters. How do you get there? Let’s find out together through a coached organizing partnership. What is coached organizing?
Make room for what you value
In a way that works for you
The Practical Sort will partner with you to
Save Money, Save Time, Save the Environment
The Practical Sort will provide guidance for
Let’s schedule a conversation
Contact The Practical Sort to get started
Free Resources and Handy Organizing Tools
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
The Practical Sort has a library of handy resources
Before launching into any organizing project…Set Yourself Up For Organizing Success. Simply click on the link for 9 tips to become a savvy organizer.
No motivation to start? Download the Practical Sort’s free ebook 9 Steps to Get Motivated…When You’re Not.
The Practical Sort in the Media
Early Spring 2022 & Spring 2024 (reprint) Better Homes & Gardens “Secrets of Getting Organized“ featuring some of The Practical Sort’s eco-organizing tips.