Common Organizing Myth(conceptions)

We constantly change the world, even by our inaction. Therefore, let us change it responsibly.
Benjamin Franklin

And it Goes Like This

When I first launched my business, a typical conversation with folks I met would end up something like this.

Them:  "What do you do?"

Me: “I provide practical home organizing solutions.”

Them: “A home organizer?  I never knew such thing existed.  “That sounds cool.  I wish I could be organized.” With the popularity of Marie Kondo and a variety of organizing tv shows, there’s little doubt what I do now, and their excited requests for organizing assistance has amplified.

What does organized mean to you?

“So, you want to be organized. What does organized mean to you?” The perplexed looks are predictable, as if the answer is obvious. But I truly wish to know their reasons. When we understand the why, it’s easier to tune into the how. Is it because they want to be:

  • Productive—zipping through chores

  • Efficient—laying their hands quickly on what they need

  • Comfortable—with unencumbered places to relax

  • Safe—no longer tripping over piles or dodging items tumbling off shelves

  • Content—in their home?

Or is it because someone said their life is a mess?  Organizing is trendy?  Magazine photos look awesome? The fact is, if you don’t truly understand what an organized lifestyle is or how to start, it isn’t likely to happen.

You Say You Want it, Then What is Stopping You?  The Hazard Lights & Roadblocks

Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic.
Edward de Bono, Pioneer of Brain Training

I believe there are myths or misconceptions about organizing that create roadblocks to action and goal achievement. Take for example:

  • I don't have time
  • There's no storage space or room to organize
  • All those organizing supplies aren't in the budget
  • I've no idea how or where to begin
  • What if I don't do it right?
  • I’m freaking out, it feels too big

A simple perspective shift could mean: 

  • Less frantic days
  • Less lost items
  • Less missed deadlines
  • Less household clutter
  • Less pressure on yourself

How do we get started? Here are a few thoughts about the myths and potential solutions.

1.  No Time (Like the Present)

We’re all pressed for time.  And when there is time to spare, you likely prefer to have fun instead of managing papers, toys, and clothes piles.  Yet disorganization has costs to your wallet and time management bank.

  • Popping out to the store for toilet paper because you didn’t realize there are two rolls buried in the cupboard

  • Spinning wheels looking for lost keys while running late for an appointment

  • Shuffling loads of knickknacks to clean under and around them

When our surroundings, stuff, and time are managed, the dividends payoff. Although keep in mind that life happens. Tech crashes, bosses demand deliverables asap, and kids forget to inform you about craft supplies needed for a school project tomorrow. Yes, life happens.

We may not be able to control everything, but when we’re relatively on top of our game, we’re more resourced to handle the unexpected. Below are some ways to keep us on track.

Use decorative “Action” baskets and bins

Use decorative “Action” baskets and bins

  • Carve out a few minutes or look for gaps where you can squeeze in a chore or two. Sometimes 10 minutes is surprisingly long enough to accomplish simple to-dos yet feels doable without dread.

  • Knock out a few bills by paying online while waiting to pick up your child from soccer practice or violin lessons provided you have a secure connection.

  • Sort the mail while dinner is simmering. With a recycling bin nearby, the junk mail and envelopes will be quickly eliminated.

  • Dust or fold laundry when you’re placed on hold. Many chores can be wiped out during long hold times.

  • Phone a friend while mopping the floor or sorting papers.

  • Keep a rag close by to wipe counters as you cook.  Then clean up is a breeze. 

  • Minimize the number of decorative objects on surfaces. You’ll be surprised how much faster cleaning will go with less congestion. Minimizing doesn’t have to mean barren.

  • Set up "ACTION" bins for each child's paperwork needing your attention including your own assignments.  Before dessert or tv time, ensure that all backpack items have been appropriately sorted into the bins and homework completed.

14 pocket file folder for tax receipts

Create an accordion file or multi-pocket folder for tax-related receipts.  Drop the receipts in as you receive them.  Financial tracking software will also speed up your tax filing process.  You will be on your A-game when tax time comes.

14 pocket file folders

You can find lots of other tips to enhance your productivity by clicking here.

Organization frees up time.  Leaving the house is less challenging when your keys are on the peg by the door; those permission slips are signed and nestled in the backpacks; and receipts are filed ready for tax time.

2.  What if it’s not good enough?

Perfectionism leads to stagnation

Unrealistic expectations can cause immense stress and action paralysis.  There is no need to keep your home perpetually camera-ready.  Ask yourself, am I at peace in my home?  Can I easily find what I need?  Can I accomplish tasks at a reasonable pace?  If you answered yes to these questions, chances are you’re golden.  Surrender the perfectionism to magazine covers.

Not a Pinterest Queen or King?  No problem, simplicity is the key to getting started.  Leave the crafty storage bins and labels to those who have the time, talent and inclination. Save money and time, repurpose what you have on hand. If the bins don’t match your decor, stuff them under beds, sofas, or in toy chests, cupboards or closets out of sight.

3.  I don’t know how to do it the right way

A myriad of books, magazine articles, blogs, and videos are filled with tips and guides to achieving organization.  Why are there so many resources?  Because there are an infinite number of methods and perspectives. Explore your unique style. 

Only one right way to organize?  Nope.

Only one right way to organize? Nope.

Pay attention to daily routines over a week or more.  What flows smoothly?  What causes hitches?  

Relocate items to save steps and time. 

As there is no correct way to arrange your possessions, you cannot do it wrong.  Following someone else’s prescription may or may not work for you.  For a system to be sustainable, it must suit the users.  If you are struggling to find your way, professional organizers are available to guide you. 

4. What if I fail?

There is no failure and no one is judging you. Organizing is an experiment.  After you rearrange, give it a go for a few days or weeks.  Not satisfied?   Return to the drawing board, assess the hiccup, and change things up again.  Nothing is set in stone. 

Let’s say your dishes reside in a cupboard near your dining table.  While setting the table is a snap, you cart heavy stacks across the kitchen after unloading the dishwasher.  This process is unwieldy, bad for your back, and time consuming.  Is there a cabinet above the dishwasher?  House the dishes there.  The result is a few extra steps at dinnertime, and unloading the dishwasher goes faster with less strain on your back.

5. I don’t have the money to buy lots of organizing supplies

Refrain from beelining to the Container Store until you know what you need.  What you need to get organized is minimal.  Search basements and attics for container options.  A thorough clean out of extraneous stuff frees up containers and spaces for repurposing.  Voila you saved money and time by avoiding a trip to the store.  An occasional purchase might be needed for file folders, labels, shelves or a shredder to get up to speed.  The goal is to rid yourself of excess stuff not buy more.  However, feel free to splurge if it’s part of an overall interior decor redo.

6. There’s too much to do which freaks me out

A popular organizing book series purports that the entire organization project should be done all at once.  That works for people living in small spaces with few possessions.  The author’s sent one or two of my clients into a frenzy.  Baby steps will ease you into the process, so start small and see how it feels.  Remember 10 minutes at a time is better than hours of freaking out.

Tackle one area or room for a rapid sense of gratification.  Your success will invigorate your self-confidence and eagerness to take on the next space.  

7.  There’s no storage or work space

No space to store what you have typically indicates that it is time for a heart to heart with your possessions. Think twice before buying new stuff.  Could you borrow or rent it if it will only be used once or twice.  Would you be willing to get rid of something to make room for something new?  Would you actually pay a mover to move it?

Consider the market value of the square footage of your home.  Has each of your possessions earned the right to occupy “x” amount of space based on that value?

On occasion we become custodians of others belongings.  Independent children move back home.  Seniors transition into assisted living and we temporarily house their furniture.  Life throws us curve balls.  If the situation is temporary, you might have to make do.  For the long term, carefully consider clearing what you can.  If the furniture belongs to your children, assess the quality.  By the time they move out again, they will be ready for something better than milk crates.  Farm out some of your parent’s possessions to siblings, if possible.  If there is no chance that your parents will return home, pass along their things for consignment or donation for others to appreciate. 

Grab the Horse By The Reins

Now that the myths have laid them to rest, it is time to take some action. Look at your calendar for a gap. Set aside a few minutes to begin. Use an electronic reminder to alert you when it’s time to get started. Wear comfy clothes, pump up some tunes, grab a drink and some protein for energy, then simply begin. Remember there’s no right way, and you can totally do this.

Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in.

Think you could use an extra hand getting your project started or completed?  Contact by clicking the button below and we will get you sorted.