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Intro to Organizing Through Adult ADHD
10:00 AM10:00

Intro to Organizing Through Adult ADHD

If your brain floods with constant input causing chronic organization challenges, then this workshop holds keys to sorting through it all.

Life is complicated. Navigating with Adult ADD can create more hurdles. Simplify for smoother sailing. If you've been diagnosed or suspect that you or someone you live with struggles with disorganization due to Attention Deficit Disorder, join this class to learn some useful tips for staying on top of tasks and home spaces.

Register now to grab your seat on:

Wednesday, July 14

10 am -11 am Pacific Time


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Intro to Organizing Through Adult ADHD
10:00 AM10:00

Intro to Organizing Through Adult ADHD

If your brain floods with constant input causing chronic organization challenges, then this workshop holds keys to sorting through it all.

Life is complicated. Navigating with Adult ADD can create more hurdles. Simplify for smoother sailing. If you've been diagnosed or suspect that you or someone you live with struggles with disorganization due to Attention Deficit Disorder, join this class to learn some useful tips for staying on top of tasks and home spaces.

Register now to grab your seat on:

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

10 am -11 am Pacific Time


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