The Inside Scoop on Multi-tasking: Does it Hurt or Help You?

Too many things going on at once?  Not sure if you’re coming, going or losing your mind? Is multi-tasking really working for you?  What's the harm in doing multiple activities simultaneously?  Learn what the experts have to say and ways to manage multi-tasking to work more effectively for you.

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Clutter’s a Battlefield

Our homes and lifestyles can drive us to the cliff, but are there ways to pave the road for smoother transit and create a detour away from the cliff? Here are some ideas to get you started and keep the motor purring to conquer household chores and clutter.

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ABCs to Crush Housework

Why can't creating systems to get organized be as easy as learning the ABCs? In this month's blog, I introduce some foundational tools, the organizing ABCs, to boost routines and habits that enable sailing through your daily to-dos to help you take clearer and faster action.

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