Rooting Out Organizing Kinks

If organizing woes happen over and over, and they’re getting you down, find the source. The reasons for strewn items, excess laundry piles, too much clutter may be obvious and easily dealt with. Then again, maybe not. It may take sleuthing to uncover the actual causes so that you can take remedial actions. Let’s begin that journey here and now.

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Chronic Disorganization, Mousetrap, & The Rube Goldberg Effect

Working your way out of chronic disorganization could look like Hasbro’s game of Mousetrap. Your efforts plagued by the Rube Goldberg Effect. What do you do? How do you satisfactorily conquer each of the steps along the way to achieve success? Read on.

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Where’s Forward When the Universe Pivots?

If you’ve ever felt like the universe changed direction, and you no longer felt like you knew which way is forward. Paths are blocked. One glitch after another impedes forward motion. I feel your pain. Lessons are being learned. Read on to see how to pivot when unanticipated change reorients your day.

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Hold On... Before You Cut and Run

No doubt, it’s easier to cut and run. Sticking with it requires work, patience, and sometimes financial investment. I’ve wanted to bolt more times than I can count. I’m certain my clients have as well. What are the chances of achieving the desired outcome when you hightail it too soon? What success is within your reach if you give it one more try?

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When Monday Falls on Wednesday (And Other Silly Circumstances)

Routine disruptions as a result of mid-week holidays, vacations, time zone differences, and similar situations can throw us off mentally, physically, personally and professionally. Here are some of the challenges I faced during the 4th of July holiday week and how I got back on course when my Monday began on Wednesday.

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Temper The Perils of Visual Overload

Our vision is one of our most influential senses. It enables us to experience beauty and pleasure. There’s also a darker side to what we see and how that impacts our emotional state. Many times that unpleasantness happens within or just outside of our own homes. What measures can we take to avoid visual overwhelm or take it down a few notches in the midst of hyper-stimulation? Here are some ideas.

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Systems: Friend or Foe?--Is your organizing being hijacked?

Systems are the most amazing things aren’t they? They are there to help you get organized and stay organized. Except when they don’t. If your organizing efforts are being sabotaged by systems, find out what’s going on and how you can make them work better for you. Read on.

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We Don’t Have a Handbook for This

I have a self-diagnosed case of Senioritis, you may recall that from your last school year. It could also be post-pandemic malaise. Or a combination of both. Here’s what’s happening and how I’m addressing the symptoms. That might help you too if your struggling to get through each day with the same vigor of yesteryear.

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The Inside Scoop on Multi-tasking: Does it Hurt or Help You?

Too many things going on at once?  Not sure if you’re coming, going or losing your mind? Is multi-tasking really working for you?  What's the harm in doing multiple activities simultaneously?  Learn what the experts have to say and ways to manage multi-tasking to work more effectively for you.

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Keep Your Head Above Water This Time of Year [Or Any Time]

The best gift you can give yourself this and every holiday season is taking care of you. No one else will benefit from what you bring to the table if you can’t. Watch for signs that you or someone in your circles may need an SOS so that you all can benefit from joyful cheer this season and into 2023.

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Thank You for Being You

Is there room in your heart this Thanksgiving to thank the one person in your life that might need it the most? The one person who may rarely receive the recognition they deserve? The one person you may have overlooked for too many years? Who is that one person? Let me be the first to thank them.

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5 Reasons You Can’t Organize like TV Celebrities

Bummed that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to tackle messes like the organizing TV shows? There’s a reason you can’t. In fact, there are at least 5 reasons. What are they? What do you need to know to avoid getting down on yourself? I’ve got the inside scoop with a practical reality check.

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Get it Done

Are you’re a get it done kind of person? No struggling, no procrastinating, no resistance, completion satisfaction? Kudos if you said yes. If not, read on to accomplish more with less stress. Get your list done.

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